11 research outputs found


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    Secara bertahap setiap desa nantinya akan mendapatkan dan sebesar 1 milyar rupiah untuk pembangunan desanya. Disisi lain, kesiapan dari perangkat desa dalam hal pertanggungjawaban pengelolaan keuangan desa masih menjadi permasalahan utama seluruh desa saat ini. Mayoritas dari desa-desa yang ada masih belum mampu melakukan pertanggungjawaban secara mandiri. Kondisi ketidaksiapan perangkat desa dalam akuntabilitas keuangannya tentu disebabkan oleh banyak hal, salah satunya adalah karena kurangnya kemampuan dan pemahaman dalam penggunaan aplikasi angka yang dapat membantu kerja bagian keuangan dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan desa. Memberikan pendidikan dan pelatihan Penggunaan Aplikasi Angka Dalam Pembuatan Laporan Keuangan. Di sini akan dikenalkan aplikasi angka yang didesain secara khusus dan mudah untuk dipahami oleh perangkat desa dengan mengoperasionalkan aplikasi angka Microsoft Excel, perangkat desa diharapkan mampu menyusun laporan keuangan dan pertanggungjawaban keuangan desa secara cepat dan cermat. Dengan aplikasi angka ini, perangkat akan sangat mudah untuk melakukan perhitungan cepat dan cermat dalam menyelesaikan laporan keuangan desa. Kata kunci: Keuangan, Aplikasi Angka, Perangkat Desa, Microsoft Excel


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    Abstract - Logic gate prototype aims to meet the needs and smoothness of the teaching and learning process in one of the digital circuit lecture materials. Proof of the logic of OR, AND, NOT, NOR, and NAND gates. The working principle of logic gate prototype is working based on input logic including 0 and 1. For AND logic gates are input multiplication gates consisting of (0,0, 0,1, 1,0, 1,1) and output consists of 1 for high (1) and 3 for low (0). For OR gate is the input sum gate consists of (0,0, 0,1, 1,0, 1,1) and the output consists of 3 high (1) and 1 low (0). For the NAND gate is the logic inverting gate of the AND input gate consisting of (0,0, 0,1, 1,0, 1,1) and the output consists of 3 high (1) and 1 low (0). For NOR input logic gate consists of (0,0, 0,1, 1,0, 1,1) and the output consists of 1 for high (1) and 3 for low (0). For the NOT gate is the inverse gate with input (1, 0) and the output consists of (0,1). Keywords - Logic Gate, Prototype, OR, AND, NOT, NOR, NAN

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Simpan Pinjam Uang Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Universitas Asahan Berbasis Web

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    Abstract - Savings and loan money is one of human needs. Where savings and loans are something that is very necessary to support the development of economic activities and improve living standards. In universities, there are many students who spend money to pay for their tuition fees. Among these students, there are fairly poor people. The author took the initiative to make a savings and loan application that is useful for students, if they need funds to complete lecture administration at any time. Students can also set aside a portion of their allowance to be stored in the application. In this way, students can reduce the burden a bit regarding the problems of lecture administration. Based on the description above, the author raised the research title with research conducted directly on the students of the Asahan University Faculty of Engineering with the title "Designing Student Loan Savings and Loan Applications for the Faculty of Engineering, Asahan Web-Based University". Keywords - applications, savings and loans, money, fees, students, we


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    Abstrack - In an agency / company, also wants to have a change that can support the progress of the company. Where changes can help work employees more quickly and effectively. especially PT. Telkom Indonesia Plaza Tanjungbalai of course also requires changes to information to streamline and streamline administrative processes in it. Management and processing of data carried out using the system still shows some problems that exist in the system. Therefore, it is necessary to change information systems that are able to manage and process data effectively and efficiently so that there is good computerization of data. In this training will describe the products produced at each stage of the analysis and design of the administration system of the new indihome at PT. Telkom Indonesia Plaza Tanjungbalai. Analysis and design of an indihome new administration system at PT. Telkom Indonesia Plaza Tanjungbalai is complete and detailed. It is expected that the results of this practical work can answer the difficulties that are often faced by customers so that they can be far more efficient and effective.   Keywords - Administration System, Data Processing, Indihome New Instal

    Perancangan Aplikasi Komik Hadist Berbasis Multimedia

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    Abstract - Comics are visual communication media that contain information, ideas, messages that are poured into images as attractive as possible. The combination of comics and hadiths is suitable to be used as an alternative to da'wah media because there are moral and moral messages contained in hadiths. The hadith comic application is made to make it easier for readers to understand the contents of comic stories and minimize the common mistakes that often occur. The method used in making the application is to use PHP. The hadith comic application has the features of presenting comics collaborated with animation, this is so that users listen to the comic storyline correctly and sequentially so as to minimize failure in understanding the core story. Hadist comic applications accompanied by attractive images and color variations make it an interesting application to use especially for teenagers and children. Keywords - Applications, Comics Hadits, Information, Multimedi


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    ABSTRAK Karya Ilmiah merupakan hal tahap akhir yang harus dilakukan oleh mahasiswa untuk mendapat kelulusan. Pada saat sekarang mahasiswa diharuskan memuat karya ilmiah dalam digital. Sehingga besar kemungkinan apabila mahasiswa membuat suatu karya ilmiah memiliki similarity yang besar dan mengakibatkan plagiarisme. Untuk mendukung proses pengajuan karya ilmiah diperlukan suatu sistem dalam manajemen karya ilmiah yang sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku pada universitas. Dalam pengembangan sistem tersebut digunakan metode Rapid Appplication Development (RAD)yang terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu perencanaan kebutuhan, desain sistem, kontruksi dan outcover,digunakan pemodelan data Unified Modeling Language (UML) pada tahap desain sistem dari metode RAD. SIMANIS ini dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi mahasiswa dalam pengajuan karya ilmiah tanpa harus bertatap muka oleh koordintar karya ilmiah dan mengetahui hasil similarity karya ilmiah tersebut. Oleh sebab ituSIMANISini dibangun dengan fasilitas informasi hasil cek similarity. Kata kunci : SIMANIS, Karya Ilmiah, Similarity, RAD, UM


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    Abstract - This research was conducted to model and simulate the Half Adder system. This system is designed by analyzing the descriptive method, and the comparative method. After analysis, modeling is done with UML (Unified Modeling Language) and hardware design based on microcontroller can be programmed using CodeVisionAVR-C software. The results of this study are a standard prototype Half ALU ALTER Adder system that uses XOR, AND, OR gates with ALU Half Adder system innovation using NAND and NOR gates.Keywords - Half Adder, Prototype, XOR, AND, OR, NAND, NO


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    Abstract - White oyster mushroom cultivation is a micro business which is mostly in the territory of Indonesia is very good and suitable because the temperature is suitable for the growth of various types of mushrooms. At this time it can be cultivated in a mushroom house. For optimal mold growth, temperature and humidity must be maintained according to the conditions of their natural habitat. The amount of oyster mushroom production can be increased by taking into account the factors that influence the growth of the oyster mushroom itself. Even farmers can experience failure in production or often called crop failure. Decision support systems can be used in determining the increase in production. In this study also implemented the fuzzy logic method in Increasing the production of oyster mushrooms. It is hoped that farmers can use it to increase the production of oyster mushrooms and prevent crop failure. Application results are expected to be a decision support system for farmers in the maintenance and production of oyster mushrooms. Starting from determining the planting media, see the temperature and humidity.Keywords - Fuzzy Logic, Decision Support System, Increase, Amount of Production and White Oyster Mushrooms Abstrak - Budidaya jamur tiram putih merupakan usaha mikro yang sebagian besar di wilayah Indonesia sangat bagus dan cocok, karena temperaturnya yang sesuai untuk pertumbuhan berbagai jenis jamur. Pada saat ini dapat dibudidayakan pada rumah kumbung. Agar pertumbuhan jamur dapat optimal maka temperatur dan kelembaban harus dijaga sesuai kondisi habitat alaminya. Jumlah produksi jamur tiram dapat ditingkatkan dengan memperhatikan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan jamur tiram itu sendiri. Bahkan para petani dapat mengalami kegagalan dalam produksi atau sering disebut gagal panen. Sistem pedukung keputusan dapat digunakan dalam menentukan peningkatan produksi. Dalam penelitian ini juga di implementasikan metode logika fuzzy dalam Peningkatan produksi jamur tiram. Diharapkan dapat digunakan para petani dalam Peningkatan produksi jamur tiram dan mencegah terjadinya gagal panen. Hasil Aplikasi yang diharapkan dapat menjadi sistem pendukung keputusan kepada petani dalam pemeliharaan dan produksi jamur tiram. Dimulai dari menentukan media tanam, melihat temperatur dan kelembaban. Kata kunci - Logika Fuzzy, Sistem Pendukung Keputusan, Peningkatan, Jumlah Produksi dan Jamur Tiram Puti

    Model Dan Simulasi Prototype Rangkaian Digital Konversi Gerbang AND, OR, NOT Menjadi Gerbang NAND Dan NOR

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    Dalam mempelajari rangkaian digital, khususnya pada materi gerbang logika pada sistem digital ada sebuah Rangkaian kombinasi Gerbang AND, OR, NOT yang dapat dikonversi ke Rangkaian  Gerbang  NAND  dan  NOR.  Pada  konversi  Rangkaian  kombinasi  tersebut  dapat dilakukan  dengan  2  (dua)  cara,  yaitu  Melalui  penyelesaian  persamaan  logika/boolean  dan langsung dari gambar padanan. Gerbang NAND dan NOR ini disebut juga Rangkaian Multilevel yang artinya dengan mengimplementasikan Gerbang NAND atau NOR, akan ada banyak level / tingkatan mulai dari sisi input sampai dengan sisi output. Pada penelitian ini fokus pembahasan pada proses konversi dari Rangkaian kombinasi AND, OR, NOT ke Rangkaian menggunakan Gerbang NAND dan NOR. Dengan ini penelitian akan membuat suatu Prototype Rangkaian kombinasi Gerbang AND, OR, NOT yang dikonversi dengan Rangkaian Gerbang NAND dan NOR sebagai model alat simulasinya

    Analisis Fuzzy Sugeno Dalam Menentukan Pemilihan Motor Honda

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    Motorcycles are two-wheeled vehicles. Honda is one of the best selling motorcycle brands in Indonesia. Honda is a Japanese company that has been very tested in Indonesia. Honda also has many types, because of the many types of Honda motorcycles, a decision support system (DSS) with the fuzzy Sugeno method is needed in overcoming the selection of Honda motorcycles. At the same time to compare previous research that has been done with the Mamdani method in determining the selection of the Honda motorcycle.